My Royal Court

28 October 2011

My Homage to Teddy G.

This blog post is dedicated to my students who were quite convinced that I was “going to go all Dr. Seuss” on them during class the other day.  Thanks for giving me the inspiration to create this one.

The world of writing is full of one too many a cliché.
I do not know how it became this way. 
If you cannot think of anything new and fresh to say,
Perhaps you should start over and throw your first idea away.

I made part of that rhyme in class, but I did not know it.
My students told me I should try to become a poet.
Not really…but I found it difficult not to show it.
I hope that I did not blow it.

As I always will say, keep your writing from sounding trite.
If you do not, your readers will be left with such a fright. 
Since you should strive to convey writing that is forthright,
Take a shot and give your readers a true delight. 


  1. Rhyming-haven't done it in a while. I should copy you and try it again. Thanks for the reminder about clichés. "Speaking of the devil (cliches)," it's so easy to "let them fly."

  2. Well it's a lot better then the one poem I wrote on my blog.

    But maybe you have inspired me to write another...

  3. You need to visit Pat Hatt.



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